
Porker of the Month

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has named Representative John Murtha the May Porker of the Month for throwing a temper tantrum and threatening his colleagues over a challenge to a $23 million pet project in the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 2008.  Read more

Ron Paul
Welcome to TimBowling.com!

Tim Welcome to my website. What an amazing age we live in! Anyone, with a computer and a little resolve can speak to the entire world. Well, this is my home in the cybersphere, where I'll share items that interest me. Whether it is the digital images I like to draw, my Christian faith, political philosophy, genealogy, or the pursuit of knowledge in history, languages, computers or anything else - I hope you find something here you needed to know, or simply be entertained.

This site will be ever expanding, so I hope you stop back often. There will be opportunities for feedback from you, whether in the forums, or on my blog, or you can always drop me a line at the contact form.


As you can see, I've been giving this site a face lift. Pardon the dust as I get this finished. Meanwhile, I've left as much functional as possible - the genealogy and gallery, and also the blog. Thanks for your patience!


My Art One of my computer hobbies is creating art. I've been doing this since 1997, and derive great pleasure from it. Along with 3D modeling, I enjoy 2d and just plain painting with pixels. One day I hope to include some of my oil paintings and ceramics into the gallery.


genealogyI remember asking my grandmother about her grandparents when I was only 6 years old. Over the years I collected quite a bit of data on my family. Perhaps you came here seeking information on ancestors we share in common. When this happens it is absolutely great! Perhaps together we can increase the database of this online genealogical information with information you know on our family.


BlogHere I speak out on important matters of the day, politics, my faith, my observations, or anything else I happen to be thinking about at the moment. You are welcome to have your say in the comments section which is open to all. Agree or disagree, but please, keep it civil. This will open a new window, since I keep this one remotely since too many evil places hack blogs when you keep them on your own server..


HistoryNot quite implemented yet, this section will be for all things historical. My passion is history, especially ancient and medieval.


Pug of the YearRamsees the pug! My little dog was a character all his own. He sadly left us in June 2008, but will always be remembered.